Love marriages are getting increasingly common in India. However, many couples face compatibility issues due to the presence of Bhakoot Dosha in their match.
What is Bhakoot Dosha?
In Vedic astrology, Bhakoot is an important factor considered for matchmaking. It signifies the astrological angle between the Moon signs of the prospective bride and groom.
Bhakoot Dosha arises when the Bhakoot points between the couple's horoscopes are below 18. This indicates discord and lack of compatibility in the marriage.
How Bhakoot Dosha Impacts Love Marriage
Financial Problems: Low Bhakoot points lead to financial disputes after marriage. The couple may struggle with managing finances wisely. Communication Gaps & Frequent
Fights: Difference of opinion and misunderstandings rise between the partners causing arguments.
Lack of Family Support: Bhakoot Dosha also indicates lack of approval for the alliance from the couple's families.
Stress in Relationship: Due to lack of emotional connect and compatibility, stress levels are high leading to unhappiness.
No Harmony in Day to Day Life: The couple finds it difficult to get along smoothly on a daily basis worsening their bond.
Chances of Separation: Low Bhakoot score heightens the risks of separation or divorce due to high conflicts.
Overcoming Bhakoot Dosha
Here are some Vedic astrology remedies to overcome challenges posed by Bhakoot Dosha:
Perform puja and vrat for lunar gods Chandra and Shiva to gain their blessings. Chant Chandra and Mangal beeja mantras.
Wear a high quality Pearl to strengthen your Moon. Pearl brings mental peace and emotional stability in relationships.
Donate items connected with the Moon like rice, white clothes or silver. This appeases the lunar deity Chandra.
Seek the guidance of a learned astrologer regarding gemstones and rituals to balance the dosha.
Most importantly, understand your partner's personality and make adjustments to improve communication.
The remedies help pacify the afflicted planets. But the partners should also make sincere efforts for better compatibility. With wisdom and maturity, the couple can overcome Bhakoot Dosha and achieve a long-lasting marriage filled with love and understanding.
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